Tuesday, September 6, 2011

2011 Nevada High School Football Season Kicks Off !

Hey sports fans, it's your Reno Camera Guy (Bill Nagel) reporting back to you that 2011 Nevada High School Football Season has begun!!! Yay! Here I am working the Reno/Damonte Ranch game last Thursday, Sept 1st. It was the second game of the season for us and as you can see I'm up on the high camera. I love working the high camera because I almost always have power (no need for batteries) and I don't have to worry about getting slammed by players on the sidelines. It was a great game with Reno making a 4th quarter comeback for the win. As always you can see video highlights on the GSP website -  http://gustinsports.com/.
Here's Eric Darensburg of Envision Video (http://envisionvideoreno.com/home) unloading his cameras in front of our Burning Man Special Production Truck. Hey it's got a bathroom and shower, not many production trucks can say that! It sure makes it easy to setup and strike. We can get everything broken down and put away in 20 minutes.
Here I am working in the sunshine lugging some cables before the game. 

On my way up to my camera position I pass through the talent booth. This is where Dan Gustin (http://gustinsports.com/) and his partner call the game. I love doing a weekly game and watching these kids leave it all on the field. You can see video highlights on Dan's website -  http://gustinsports.com/. Let me know what you think of my work. I know there's always room for improvement.

Well we started the game in the sun but ended in the dark. Fall is quickly approaching the Reno area and it gets chilly when that sun goes down. Next week I'll bring a jacket but for now I'm loving life and that's the latest from your Reno Camera Guy.  

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